Versión 2.4 del Servidor HTTP Apache
Descripción: | Funcionalides básicas del Servidor HTTP Apache que siempre están presentes. |
Estado: | Core |
Descripción: | Configura mejoras para un Protocolo de Escucha de Sockets |
Sintaxis: | AcceptFilter protocol accept_filter |
Contexto: | server config |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
Compatibilidad: | Disponible en Apache httpd 2.1.5 y posteriores. En Windows desde Apache httpd 2.3.3 y posteriores. |
Esta directiva hace posible mejoras específicas a nivel de sistema operativo
y a través del tipo de Protocolo para un socket que escucha.
La premisa básica es que el kernel no envíe un socket al servidor
hasta que o bien los datos se hayan recibido o bien se haya almacenado
en el buffer una Respuesta HTTP completa.
Actualmente sólo están soportados
Accept Filters sobre FreeBSD, TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT
sobre Linux,
y AcceptEx() sobre Windows.
El uso de none
para un argumento desactiva cualquier filtro
aceptado para ese protocolo. Esto es útil para protocolos que requieren que un
servidor envíe datos primeros, tales como ftp:
o nntp
AcceptFilter nntp none
Los nombres de protocolo por defecto son https
para el puerto 443
y http
para todos los demás puertos. Para especificar que se está
utilizando otro protocolo con un puerto escuchando, añade el argumento protocol
a la directiva Listen
Sobre FreeBDS los valores por defecto:
AcceptFilter http httpready
AcceptFilter https dataready
El filtro httpready
almacena en el buffer peticiones HTTP completas
a nivel de kernel. Una vez que la petición es recibida, el kernel la envía al servidor.
Consulta la página man de
accf_http(9) para más detalles. Puesto que las peticiones HTTPS
están encriptadas, sólo se utiliza el filtro
Sobre Linux los valores por defecto son:
AcceptFilter http data
AcceptFilter https data
no soporta el buffering en peticiones http.
Cualquier valor además de none
en ese socket. Para más detalles
ver la página man de Linux
Sobre Windows los valores por defecto son:
AcceptFilter http data
AcceptFilter https data
Sobre Windows mpm_winnt interpreta el argumento AcceptFilter para conmutar la API
AcceptEx(), y no soporta el buffering sobre el protocolo http. Hay dos valores
que utilizan la API Windows AcceptEx() y que recuperan sockets de red
entre conexciones. data
espera hasta que los datos han sido
transmitidos como se comentaba anteriormente, y el buffer inicial de datos y las
direcciones de red son recuperadas a partir de una única llamada AcceptEx().
utiliza la API AcceptEx() API, y recupera también
las direcciones de red, pero a diferencia de none
la opción connect
no espera a la transmisión inicial de los datos.
Sobre Windows, none
prefiere accept() antes que AcceptEx()
y no recuperará sockets entre las conexiones. Lo que es útil para los adaptadores de
red con un soporte precario de drivers, así como para algunos proveedores de red
tales como drivers vpn, o filtros de spam, de virus o de spyware.
Descripción: | Los recursos aceptan información sobre su ruta |
Sintaxis: | AcceptPathInfo On|Off|Default |
Valor por defecto: | AcceptPathInfo Default |
Contexto: | server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess |
Anula: | FileInfo |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
Compatibilidad: | Disponible en Apache httpd 2.0.30 y posteriores |
Esta directiva controla si las peticiones que contienen información sobre la ruta
que sigue un fichero que existe (o un fichero que no existe pero en un directorio que
sí existe) serán aceptadas o denegadas. La información de ruta puede estar disponible
para los scripts en la variable de entorno PATH_INFO
Por ejemplo, asumamos que la ubicación /test/
apunta a
un directorio que contiene únicamente el fichero
. Entonces, las peticiones tanto para
como para
Los tres posibles argumentos para la directiva
son los siguientes:
en el ejemplo anterior devolverá
un error 404 NOT FOUND.On
será aceptado si
corresponde a un fichero válido.Default
. Los controladores que sirven scripts, tales como cgi-script e isapi-handler, normalmente aceptan
por defecto.El objetivo principal de la directiva AcceptPathInfo
es permitirte sobreescribir la opción del controlador
de aceptar or rechazar PATH_INFO
. Este tipo de sobreescritura se necesita,
por ejemplo, cuando utilizas un filtro, tal como
INCLUDES, para generar contenido
basado en PATH_INFO
. El controlador principal normalmente rechazaría
la petición, de modo que puedes utilizar la siguiente configuración para habilitarla
como script:
<Files "mypaths.shtml">
Options +Includes
SetOutputFilter INCLUDES
AcceptPathInfo On
Descripción: | Nombre del fichero distribuido de configuración |
Sintaxis: | AccessFileName filename [filename] ... |
Valor por defecto: | AccessFileName .htaccess |
Contexto: | server config, virtual host |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
Mientras que procesa una petición el servidor busca el primer fichero de configuración existente dentro de un listado de nombres en cada directorio de la ruta del documento, si los ficheros distribuidos de configuración están habilitados para ese directorio. Por ejemplo:
AccessFileName .acl
antes de servir el documento
, el servidor leerá
, /usr/.acl
and /usr/local/web/.acl
para las directivas, salvo que estén deshabilitadas with
<Directory />
AllowOverride None
Descripción: | Default charset parameter to be added when a response
content-type is text/plain or text/html |
Sintaxis: | AddDefaultCharset On|Off|charset |
Valor por defecto: | AddDefaultCharset Off |
Contexto: | server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess |
Anula: | FileInfo |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
This directive specifies a default value for the media type
charset parameter (the name of a character encoding) to be added
to a response if and only if the response's content-type is either
or text/html
. This should override
any charset specified in the body of the response via a META
element, though the exact behavior is often dependent on the user's client
configuration. A setting of AddDefaultCharset Off
disables this functionality. AddDefaultCharset On
a default charset of iso-8859-1
. Any other value is assumed
to be the charset to be used, which should be one of the
IANA registered
charset values for use in Internet media types (MIME types).
For example:
AddDefaultCharset utf-8
should only be used when all
of the text resources to which it applies are known to be in that
character encoding and it is too inconvenient to label their charset
individually. One such example is to add the charset parameter
to resources containing generated content, such as legacy CGI
scripts, that might be vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks
due to user-provided data being included in the output. Note, however,
that a better solution is to just fix (or delete) those scripts, since
setting a default charset does not protect users that have enabled
the "auto-detect character encoding" feature on their browser.
Descripción: | Determines whether encoded path separators in URLs are allowed to be passed through |
Sintaxis: | AllowEncodedSlashes On|Off |
Valor por defecto: | AllowEncodedSlashes Off |
Contexto: | server config, virtual host |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
Compatibilidad: | Available in Apache httpd 2.0.46 and later |
The AllowEncodedSlashes
directive allows URLs
which contain encoded path separators (%2F
for /
and additionally %5C
for \
on according systems)
to be used. Normally such URLs are refused with a 404 (Not found) error.
Turning AllowEncodedSlashes
mostly useful when used in conjunction with PATH_INFO
Allowing encoded slashes does not imply decoding.
Occurrences of %2F
or %5C
(only on
according systems) will be left as such in the otherwise decoded URL
Descripción: | Types of directives that are allowed in
.htaccess files |
Sintaxis: | AllowOverride All|None|directive-type
[directive-type] ... |
Valor por defecto: | AllowOverride None (2.3.9 and later), AllowOverride All (2.3.8 and earlier) |
Contexto: | directory |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
When the server finds an .htaccess
file (as
specified by AccessFileName
it needs to know which directives declared in that file can override
earlier configuration directives.
is valid only in
sections specified without regular expressions, not in <Location>
, <DirectoryMatch>
When this directive is set to None
, then
.htaccess files are completely ignored.
In this case, the server will not even attempt to read
files in the filesystem.
When this directive is set to All
, then any
directive which has the .htaccess Context is allowed in
The directive-type can be one of the following groupings of directives.
, AuthUserFile
, Require
, etc.).ErrorDocument
, and
Add* and Remove* directives),
document meta data (Header
, RequestHeader
, SetEnvIf
, SetEnvIfNoCase
, BrowserMatch
, CookieExpires
, CookieDomain
, CookieStyle
, CookieTracking
, CookieName
directives RewriteEngine
, RewriteOptions
, RewriteBase
, RewriteCond
, RewriteRule
) and
, AddIconByEncoding
, DirectoryIndex
, FancyIndexing
, HeaderName
, IndexIgnore
, IndexOptions
, ReadmeName
, Deny
and Order
An equal sign may be given followed by a comma (but no spaces)
separated lists of options that may be set using the Options
AllowOverride AuthConfig Indexes
In the example above all directives that are neither in the group
nor Indexes
cause an internal
server error.
For security and performance reasons, do not set
to anything other than None
in your <Directory />
block. Instead, find (or
create) the <Directory>
block that refers to the
directory where you're actually planning to place a
Descripción: | Individual directives that are allowed in
.htaccess files |
Sintaxis: | AllowOverrideList None|directive
[directive-type] ... |
Valor por defecto: | AllowOverrideList None |
Contexto: | directory |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
The documentation for this directive has not been translated yet. Please have a look at the English version.
Descripción: | Technique for locating the interpreter for CGI scripts |
Sintaxis: | CGIMapExtension cgi-path .extension |
Contexto: | directory, .htaccess |
Anula: | FileInfo |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
Compatibilidad: | NetWare only |
This directive is used to control how Apache httpd finds the
interpreter used to run CGI scripts. For example, setting
CGIMapExtension sys:\foo.nlm .foo
cause all CGI script files with a .foo
extension to
be passed to the FOO interpreter.
Descripción: | Enables passing HTTP authorization headers to scripts as CGI variables |
Sintaxis: | CGIPassAuth On|Off |
Valor por defecto: | CGIPassAuth Off |
Contexto: | directory, .htaccess |
Anula: | AuthConfig |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
Compatibilidad: | Available in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.13 and later |
The documentation for this directive has not been translated yet. Please have a look at the English version.
Descripción: | Controls how some CGI variables are set |
Sintaxis: | CGIVar variable rule |
Contexto: | directory, .htaccess |
Anula: | FileInfo |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
Compatibilidad: | Available in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.21 and later |
The documentation for this directive has not been translated yet. Please have a look at the English version.
Descripción: | Enables the generation of Content-MD5 HTTP Response
headers |
Sintaxis: | ContentDigest On|Off |
Valor por defecto: | ContentDigest Off |
Contexto: | server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess |
Anula: | Options |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
This directive enables the generation of
headers as defined in RFC1864
respectively RFC2616.
MD5 is an algorithm for computing a "message digest" (sometimes called "fingerprint") of arbitrary-length data, with a high degree of confidence that any alterations in the data will be reflected in alterations in the message digest.
The Content-MD5
header provides an end-to-end
message integrity check (MIC) of the entity-body. A proxy or
client may check this header for detecting accidental
modification of the entity-body in transit. Example header:
Content-MD5: AuLb7Dp1rqtRtxz2m9kRpA==
Note that this can cause performance problems on your server since the message digest is computed on every request (the values are not cached).
is only sent for documents served
by the core
, and not by any module. For example,
SSI documents, output from CGI scripts, and byte range responses
do not have this header.
Descripción: | Base directory for the server run-time files |
Sintaxis: | DefaultRuntimeDir directory-path |
Valor por defecto: | DefaultRuntimeDir DEFAULT_REL_RUNTIMEDIR (logs/) |
Contexto: | server config |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
Compatibilidad: | Available in Apache 2.4.2 and later |
The documentation for this directive has not been translated yet. Please have a look at the English version.
Descripción: | This directive has no effect other than to emit warnings
if the value is not none . In prior versions, DefaultType
would specify a default media type to assign to response content for
which no other media type configuration could be found.
Sintaxis: | DefaultType media-type|none |
Valor por defecto: | DefaultType none |
Contexto: | server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess |
Anula: | FileInfo |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
Compatibilidad: | The argument none is available in Apache httpd 2.2.7 and later. All other choices are DISABLED for 2.3.x and later. |
This directive has been disabled. For backwards compatibility
of configuration files, it may be specified with the value
, meaning no default media type. For example:
DefaultType None
DefaultType None
is only available in
httpd-2.2.7 and later.
Use the mime.types configuration file and the
to configure media
type assignments via file extensions, or the
directive to configure
the media type for specific resources. Otherwise, the server will
send the response without a Content-Type header field and the
recipient may attempt to guess the media type.
Descripción: | Define the existence of a variable |
Sintaxis: | Define parameter-name |
Contexto: | server config |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
Equivalent to passing the -D
argument to httpd
This directive can be used to toggle the use of <IfDefine>
sections without needing to alter
arguments in any startup scripts.
Descripción: | Enclose a group of directives that apply only to the named file-system directory, sub-directories, and their contents. |
Sintaxis: | <Directory directory-path>
... </Directory> |
Contexto: | server config, virtual host |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
are used to enclose a group of
directives that will apply only to the named directory,
sub-directories of that directory, and the files within the respective
directories. Any directive that is allowed
in a directory context may be used. Directory-path is
either the full path to a directory, or a wild-card string using
Unix shell-style matching. In a wild-card string, ?
any single character, and *
matches any sequences of
characters. You may also use []
character ranges. None
of the wildcards match a `/' character, so <Directory
will not match
, but <Directory
will match. Example:
<Directory /usr/local/httpd/htdocs>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
Be careful with the directory-path arguments:
They have to literally match the filesystem path which Apache httpd uses
to access the files. Directives applied to a particular
will not apply to files accessed from
that same directory via a different path, such as via different symbolic
expressions can also be used, with the addition of the
character. For example:
<Directory ~ "^/www/.*/[0-9]{3}">
would match directories in /www/
that consisted of
three numbers.
If multiple (non-regular expression) <Directory>
match the directory (or one of its parents) containing a document,
then the directives are applied in the order of shortest match
first, interspersed with the directives from the .htaccess files. For example,
<Directory />
AllowOverride None
<Directory /home/>
AllowOverride FileInfo
for access to the document /home/web/dir/doc.html
the steps are:
AllowOverride None
(disabling .htaccess
files).AllowOverride FileInfo
directory /home
directives in
, /home/web/.htaccess
in that order.Regular expressions are not considered until after all of the normal sections have been applied. Then all of the regular expressions are tested in the order they appeared in the configuration file. For example, with
<Directory ~ abc$>
# ... directives here ...
the regular expression section won't be considered until after
all normal <Directory>
s and
files have been applied. Then the regular
expression will match on /home/abc/public_html/abc
the corresponding <Directory>
be applied.
Note that the default access for
<Directory />
is Allow from All
This means that Apache httpd will serve any file mapped from an URL. It is
recommended that you change this with a block such
<Directory />
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from All
and then override this for directories you want accessible. See the Security Tips page for more details.
The directory sections occur in the apache2.conf
cannot nest, and cannot appear in a <Limit>
or <LimitExcept>
Descripción: | Enclose directives that apply to the contents of file-system directories matching a regular expression. |
Sintaxis: | <DirectoryMatch regex>
... </DirectoryMatch> |
Contexto: | server config, virtual host |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
are used to enclose a group
of directives which will apply only to the named directory (and the files within),
the same as <Directory>
However, it takes as an argument a
regular expression. For example:
<DirectoryMatch "^/www/(.+/)?[0-9]{3}">
would match directories in /www/
that consisted of three
) and
could not match the end of line symbol ($). In 2.3.9 and later,
only directories that match the expression are affected by the enclosed
a description of how regular expressions are mixed in with normal
sDescripción: | Directory that forms the main document tree visible from the web |
Sintaxis: | DocumentRoot directory-path |
Valor por defecto: | DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache/htdocs |
Contexto: | server config, virtual host |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
This directive sets the directory from which httpd
will serve files. Unless matched by a directive like Alias
, the server appends the
path from the requested URL to the document root to make the
path to the document. Example:
DocumentRoot /usr/web
then an access to
refers to
. If the directory-path is
not absolute then it is assumed to be relative to the ServerRoot
The DocumentRoot
should be specified without
a trailing slash.
Descripción: | Contains directives that apply only if the condition of a
previous <If> or
<ElseIf> section is not
satisfied by a request at runtime |
Sintaxis: | <Else> ... </Else> |
Contexto: | server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess |
Anula: | All |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
Compatibilidad: | Nested conditions are evaluated in 2.4.26 and later |
The documentation for this directive has not been translated yet. Please have a look at the English version.
, and
are applied last.Descripción: | Contains directives that apply only if a condition is satisfied
by a request at runtime while the condition of a previous
<If> or
<ElseIf> section is not
satisfied |
Sintaxis: | <ElseIf expression> ... </ElseIf> |
Contexto: | server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess |
Anula: | All |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
Compatibilidad: | Nested conditions are evaluated in 2.4.26 and later |
The documentation for this directive has not been translated yet. Please have a look at the English version.
, and
are applied last.Descripción: | Use memory-mapping to read files during delivery |
Sintaxis: | EnableMMAP On|Off |
Valor por defecto: | EnableMMAP On |
Contexto: | server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess |
Anula: | FileInfo |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
This directive controls whether the httpd
may use
memory-mapping if it needs to read the contents of a file during
delivery. By default, when the handling of a request requires
access to the data within a file -- for example, when delivering a
server-parsed file using mod_include
-- Apache httpd
memory-maps the file if the OS supports it.
This memory-mapping sometimes yields a performance improvement. But in some environments, it is better to disable the memory-mapping to prevent operational problems:
has it memory-mapped can cause httpd
crash with a segmentation fault.
For server configurations that are vulnerable to these problems, you should disable memory-mapping of delivered files by specifying:
EnableMMAP Off
For NFS mounted files, this feature may be disabled explicitly for the offending files by specifying:
<Directory "/path-to-nfs-files">
EnableMMAP Off
Descripción: | Use the kernel sendfile support to deliver files to the client |
Sintaxis: | EnableSendfile On|Off |
Valor por defecto: | EnableSendfile Off |
Contexto: | server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess |
Anula: | FileInfo |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
Compatibilidad: | Available in version 2.0.44 and later. Default changed to Off in version 2.3.9. |
This directive controls whether httpd
may use the
sendfile support from the kernel to transmit file contents to the client.
By default, when the handling of a request requires no access
to the data within a file -- for example, when delivering a
static file -- Apache httpd uses sendfile to deliver the file contents
without ever reading the file if the OS supports it.
This sendfile mechanism avoids separate read and send operations, and buffer allocations. But on some platforms or within some filesystems, it is better to disable this feature to avoid operational problems:
(e.g., NFS, SMB, CIFS, FUSE),
the kernel may be unable to serve the network file through
its own cache.For server configurations that are not vulnerable to these problems, you may enable this feature by specifying:
EnableSendfile On
For network mounted files, this feature may be disabled explicitly for the offending files by specifying:
<Directory "/path-to-nfs-files">
EnableSendfile Off
Please note that the per-directory and .htaccess configuration
of EnableSendfile
is not supported by
Only global definition of EnableSendfile
is taken into account by the module.
Descripción: | Abort configuration parsing with a custom error message |
Sintaxis: | Error message |
Contexto: | server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
Compatibilidad: | 2.3.9 and later |
If an error can be detected within the configuration, this directive can be used to generate a custom error message, and halt configuration parsing. The typical use is for reporting required modules which are missing from the configuration.
# ensure that mod_include is loaded
<IfModule !include_module>
Error mod_include is required by mod_foo. Load it with LoadModule.
# ensure that exactly one of SSL,NOSSL is defined
<IfDefine SSL>
<IfDefine NOSSL>
Error Both SSL and NOSSL are defined. Define only one of them.
<IfDefine !SSL>
<IfDefine !NOSSL>
Error Either SSL or NOSSL must be defined.
Descripción: | What the server will return to the client in case of an error |
Sintaxis: | ErrorDocument error-code document |
Contexto: | server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess |
Anula: | FileInfo |
Estado: | Core |
Módulo: | core |
In the event of a problem or error, Apache httpd can be configured to do one of four things,
The first option is the default, while options 2-4 are
configured using the ErrorDocument
directive, which is followed by the HTTP response code and a URL
or a message. Apache httpd will sometimes offer additional information
regarding the problem/error.
URLs can begin with a slash (/) for local web-paths (relative
to the DocumentRoot
), or be a
full URL which the client can resolve. Alternatively, a message
can be provided to be displayed by the browser. Examples:
ErrorDocument 500
ErrorDocument 404 /cgi-bin/
ErrorDocument 401 /subscription_info.html
ErrorDocument 403 "Sorry can't allow you access today"
Additionally, the special value default
can be used
to specify Apache httpd's simple hardcoded message. While not required
under normal circumstances, default
will restore
Apache httpd's simple hardcoded message for configurations that would
otherwise inherit an existing ErrorDocument
ErrorDocument 404 /cgi-bin/
<Directory /web/docs>
ErrorDocument 404 default
Note that when you specify an ErrorDocument
that points to a remote URL (ie. anything with a method such as
in front of it), Apache HTTP Server will send a redirect to the
client to tell it where to find the document, even if the
document ends up being on the same server. This has several
implications, the most important being that the client will not
receive the original error status code, but instead will
receive a redirect status code. This in turn can confuse web
robots and other clients which try to determine if a URL is
valid using the status code. In addition, if you use a remote
URL in an ErrorDocument 401
, the client will not
know to prompt the user for a password since it will not
receive the 401 status code. Therefore, if you use an
ErrorDocument 401